Map Of Bangladesh

For the purpose of trade, numerous regional empires controlled Bangladesh, which was among the Indian Subcontinent and previously known as East Pakistan. During the 18th and 19th centuries, the British ruled the Indian subcontinent. Later, in 1947, it was partitioned with Pakistan, named West and East Pakistan and became the Muslim colonial area. West Pakistan dominated the East and kept below the poverty line. The East was not getting the same rights for economic, political and educational development. So, with the lead of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman in 1971, Bangladesh gained independence with a nine-month war and sacrifice of 30 lakh lives against Pakistan.

Bangladesh is located in Southern Asia and bordered with 94% of India alongside East, West, and North. The south is the Bay of Bengal and is bordered by Myanmar. That means the land of Bangladesh is bordered by India and Myanmar only. Though China, Srilanka, and Nepal are very close to Bangladesh.